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If you have already committed plagiarism, like gangster movies and narco-novels, you must hide the body of the crime, try to get your work back on track, apologize to those whose ideas you have taken, but believe me, there is no turning back, you would be like that public enemy movie. 

Wait for the monetary reprimands that could come on account of the multinationals demanding you some substantial monetary reprimand on account of the patents subject to the defense of the States. 

If you are a public figure, many of your political enemies, guess what, will try to carry out judicial acts that disprove your professional title, with the purpose of discrediting you publicly, and thus the most common of the citizens with the fourth power at the head can feel free to stone you and point the finger at you. 

In the case of England the legislation is so strict about these cases that the most certain thing is that you could go to jail, yes my friend to the gulag or to the boat as they say in your country, with a black and white striped shirt.    

The academy will be in an uproar as will your co-workers like those white apes in "Planet of the Apes", incredulous that paper airplanes can fly. 

Your girlfriend will leave you or your partner in her place, because by that time, you will have lost your house, your job, and most likely you will be in absolute poverty. 

The titles and awards of your academic glory cumlaudem will be removed like the awards of an Olympic athlete who has been doped and discovered by the regulating body of this type of daring. 

The plagues 7 plagues of the apocalypse, if you are a preacher all your community will hate you, it is possibly necessary that some judicial authority pronounces and you can no longer exercise with your pilgrims the practices of your faith. 

In addition your identity can be erased, the people of your community will not know your essence, the identity that took you so long to forge for its total acceptance and prestige will fall to the bottom. 

The family coexistence will be altered, presenting disparate feelings among your family circle, the disappointment will be present in your relatives who recognized in you values that you did not possess, because plagiarism is a crime similar to thievery. 

People may think that you have psychological problems similar to those of a gambler because of your gambling as a vice, people may think that you will not mind risking more than the account as long as you have the desired ends. 

They will think that you are a psychopath who does not care more than personal happiness, and all the people around you are meaningless or meaningless to you, you practically have the profile of an impulsive megalomaniac and this can generate several factors that can make you feel like an impulsive megalomaniac. 

All this may seem like a Hollywood study, but the truth is that the immediate consequences of academic plagiarism are administrative consequences, to know whether to a lesser or greater extent if it is a gross plagiarism or plagiarism with criminal conduct, you can look at the youtube channel of the lawyer Pablo Maza . 

It is therefore important that you consult with us, so that we can guide you in the structures and strategies for the defense of your thesis, your academic article, etc. Maybe the academic exercise of publishing is just an exercise, but with our guidance we can make it safer for you. 

You can also review content on what happens when you plagiarize on the Prepa en Línea website