Photo by:  Anna Shvets(2021)

If we look for plagiarism in the Real Academia de la Lengua Española in its first meaning, copying other people's works as one's own, which expanded by other texts of the legal literature because it does not specify more, comes to mean misapplication of the APA norms in a deliberate and even careless way, to the detriment of third parties' work.

In addition, today plagiarism has definitions a little simpler to avoid as is the case of the page turnitin where we find the following definition of plagiarism "Ensures that students are producing original work and combat the most sophisticated faults to academic integrity" Turnitin (2021).

Academic integrity can be affected in a literal sense in a sophisticated way by the copy-page, by the cloning of academic works and even by computer hacking in multiple contexts.

The realization of a work on behalf of third parties can also be a context of plagiarism for the vast majority of educational centers, even the concept of co-authorship can have the concept of plagiarism abject to it.

From a radical perspective, plagiarism would end up censoring or even castrating human inventiveness, such as the unjust closing - for some, unfair for others - of download centers of the world's audiovisual culture.

There is another important context, the purchase and subsequent reverse engineering of military weapons by developing states, as in the case of sophisticated generation drones from the world's most plenipotentiary states.

In the development context, the immersion of nuclear energy know-how in countries of representative economic strength in South Asian states would also constitute plagiarism.

In the context of health, and this is a personal criterion, the generics, predisposed by state will, for the assurance of local health administration, is also plagiarism.

In the cinema the film of 1988 "Tucker: the man and his dream" and many others where simple men were revealed before Ford and giants of the automobile industry.

In this context where the co-authorship or the work of the co-author enters, it must be limited to the compliance of the institutional rules more or less.

With all these examples cited I could argue and with some controversy that sometimes the word acts as limiting freedom, free thinking, freedom of ideas in frank opposition to the root of the research, the key element curiosity.

Therefore and before the demand of the educational centers of the high ethical standards - that should be redirected to stop the poverty in the world, to diminish the unhappiness in a competitive standard of life that is diminishing us even the world population - it should try the ostracism to connote the world property of the material goods, recognizing the contribution of the ideas in its proprietary perception of the one who disposed them. Without conditioning free thought and diminishing the interest, the curiosity of avid students.

Co-authorship arises then as a mechanism of full disposition and existence of the subjects that delves into the relevance of free time, and the advice of joint works - eye joint work between co-author (teacher) and co-author (student) - with the purpose not to plagiarize but to navigate in the environment of own ideas with skill and advice with the sole purpose of the research flexibility distributed in the mass of the population.