If you are a master's or doctoral student, or if you are still in the basic levels of education, you will be interested to know that your document can have its own characteristics of uniqueness with which it can elude any existing plagiarism system. If you want to know more in detail about plagiarism detection mechanisms, you can find the content in one of the entries of this Blog. 

                                                       Photo by Eva Elijas at Pexels

It will sound quite obvious but, be attentive to the provisions of your university, in international masters there are sites like wikipedia, corner of the vague that are not identified with academic rigor. Therefore, apart from being identified as plagiarism. This lack of academic rigor can be verified not only as plagiarism, but also lead to the automatic suspension of your academic degree. 

You should start with the fact that you should make sure that your document never refers to a single work in common with the topic you are going to deal with. This is automatic plagiarism, always make sure that the documents or inputs for the construction of your paper are concise and strong.

There are many presidential cases such as the case of Peñanieto former Mexican president and others, who have incurred in this type of problems, in the case of Ecuador Jorge Glass, remember there is always a part called art history, theoretical framework, for everything that are outside contributions or private ideas of those who contributed to humanity with their ideas. 

Going deeper into this aspect, it occurs to me to look for academic rigor through the 10 most searched documents in the last year of publication - remember that with the APA standards, academic rigor is depreciated after 5 years of publication with respect to your text and the text you are looking for as a source for your research work -.

I recommend you google current contents, which are already from other authors who visualized in their topic that could not undertake plagiarism and thus shield your content from the monopolistic industries for better or for worse of humanity called turnitin and  

In the same frame of ideas, make sure that your document does not contain very repetitive terms, I call them generic. If you are looking for originality in a study of economics on, for example, free market economics, it would be best to avoid the words free market, economics and conflicting terms, which will later be deducted from your tutor's master account, and which will cause you problems in the future. 

You can use the text only once and then use other technical abbreviations according to APA norms. There is software that helps style editors and you can work with it. Get informed. 

There are two tools that can be very useful for you at this point, one is your redactive capacity - which is better to apply, this redactive capacity to avoid the obstacles that could give you certain terminologies, and thus anticipate the plagiarism for those words.

The second tool if your office platform is word you will always have the function of replacing content on a large scale once the whole text, or scientific article that you are writing is finished. 

Plagiarism can have many problems, and so in my experience I have seen it, with demontrative words or when you turn the text around, making it very monotonous and repetitive, as if you were explaining to a (4) year old child. In addition to being a monotonous text lacking originality, this - the text being too repetitive and explanatory - will be labeled as plagiarism. 

Therefore, explain common expressions such as this way, following the title of the paper, in this research paper, phrases that hundreds have already used and guess what you will be labeled as plagiarism. 

Which brings us to the next point google the most current search histories, I know that up to ten current search documents are recommended, preferably from the last year in order to avoid academic plagiarism. 

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

Try to use the best construction tools for your text, such as indexed sources: Redalyc Dialnet or many times use pro sources, paid sources that your university gives you as a study tool, such as Pro Quest. 

Lastly, take care of your document from self-plagiarism, if you read well you can plagiarize yourself, generally this happens - that you plagiarize yourself - in the event that you have neglected the analysis done either with turnitin or urkund.