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The patterns of plagiarism and demands in academic works with the APA standard has been increased, if before in an academic work the educational norms demanded a 30% of plagiarism and a more unrestricted APA standard, the current reality is very different. 

The importance of research flexibility lies in the fact that the patterns of the balance between educator and student due to the effect of radical impositive norms, in the requirement of the APA norms and the increasingly authoritarian instances of plagiarism, place the student in a disadvantageous and authoritarian position versus the faculty and institutional policies. 

On the other hand, the serious affection is the disinterest that they produce in the student with respect to the investigation with the loss of interest mainly, that is why in this entry we will delimit what to understand by investigative flexibility and thus not to lose neither the investigative importance nor to diminish the interest to investigate on the part of the student. 

The student requires in an important way to understand the meaning of plagiarism, because of its examination, not to fail it or hotosigarlo with strict rules that neither their predecessors - let's be honest how many of those who are now teachers in research topics would have passed the issue of technology turnitin or URKUND-. 

APA guidelines should be understood as what they are an institutionally interpreted section of a compendium of readability of academic papers, APA guidelines are a motif not a mechanical cadence that must be completed to the letter by the learner in all the hundreds of possible ways that the APA format can have. 

This is because students are harassed with extensive formats, many even hire their trusted stylist, because they are even checked for parenthesis. The real meaning of the APA format is to provide readability to academic writings. 

You are not a good or bad researcher, if you do not master the whole conglomerate of the APA norms, the APA norms come to be an instrument of the translation of the institutional agreement between the students and the educational institution, so that by means of an agreement they go through the meaning of the fulfillment of the norms in the investigative practice safeguarding that the legibility nothing more than that gentlemen. 

In the same way you are not a bad or mediocre researcher if you incidentally plagiarize in the percentages, more demanding and ridiculous I have seen cases that ask for 0% plagiarism, or there are even ads that promise 0% which is impossible.

In the same way that what is stated in the APA regulations, there must be an institutional agreement for the parameters of the institutional framework or rather the institutional agreement between teachers and students to lay the foundations of the guidelines with which they will work on plagiarism issues. 

From this institutional agreement arises the flexibility in research topics that do not neglect the students' interest in research and that germinate it adequately in unison with the rationalization of the use of new technologies.