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Before starting with this article, it remains to say that the detection of plagiarism does not only depend on the factors that many insinuate, that your text has an adequate paraphrase, that your text has original ideas. 

Since the plagiarism algorithm, in the case of Turnitin (for example), and many other plagiarism detectors, maintains a tendency to contrast the content that you consider original or that you consider adequately paraphrased, with multiple documents, pigeonholing the plagiarism in a high percentage way, before any word that is recognized by the algorithm, raised by a master account, it will always mark you as plagiarism. 

If in such a case you would like to make your text free of plagiarism, I recommend a concision report in our description of services, or instead, enough skill to look for words that in their consonance, counting seven of the words in your document or assignment that you are writing, are totally differentiated from each other with a certain topic of uniqueness. 

If you don't have enough writing skills to be able to skip the algorithm in seven words of your text or paragraph of scientific research, don't bother to paraphrase better copy and paste that text with the consequent quotation marks. But if it turns out that your writing skills are greater the following process is for you. 

Now one of the little known ways to take advantage of the Google search engine is the plagiarism detection, being important to consider the following steps that are detailed below for a correct detection of plagiarism through the google search engine. 

Step number 1.- Check the content with which you have some kind of complication, complications may arise around the detection of plagiarism, when we do not know what is the percentage of plagiarism of the text or document we seek to know where the text was replicated. 

Step number 2.- With the google search engine search for the text you are concerned about, you will get a list of approximate texts, make sure that when searching for the contents the google toolbar describes the texts of at least one year ago, this way you will be able to verify that the text was replicated at least one year ago. 

Finally, once you have found the reference of which the results of originality are the same in more than three texts searched, you can allude to which is the author of the text you are contrasting immediately proceed to the citation of the APA standard in seventh edition or according to the style manual for academic papers approved by your educational institution. 

In this way you will be able to detect plagiarism with google and corroborate if what you are writing freely, inspired by yourself, is not a document that could have plagiarism. It is important to emphasize that plagiarism contained in large texts necessarily need to dispense with paid plagiarism programs for which if you wish you can request one of our paid services in order not to burden you in the task of looking for plagiarism.