Photo by CDC on Pexels

Covid-19 has had too abrasive an impact on the fate of human lives, unfortunately, the current pandemic, has been utterly life-destroying and homes to a curse like few others.

As of this writing, disease rates in Latin America have declined, and in the case of the United States, new variants are beginning another wave of havoc. Plus the added to the international scenario India and other countries the nightmare does not end and leaves us perplexed the more cheerful scenarios that may arise with the disease. 

But in the midst of having seen many stories of doctors on internet platforms, obviously generalists, it seemed interesting to me to be able to realize and focus this Covid 19 virus with what I have heard of general medicine and apply that knowledge to make students understand how to understand the context of an academic paper that suffers from the most similar to a virus, academic plagiarism. 

To begin with the evolutionary picture of Covid 19 for this exercise should not be understood with the subsequent cyclical stages of the state of human death for an ethical connotation we can not compare human death with a context as laughable as it is a document with plagiarism and that will not be approved by the administrative bodies of your insstitution. 

What I mean by this, we cannot compare human death and reify it with whether an academic text has plagiarism or not. But what we can do is to think that from the fever the academic text can present an improvement or a recovery. 

Again, I will only take the context of fever-improvement to identify how sick your academic text is, I will not touch the issue of death that does not come to context. I will not reify human death for an infignificant academic eventuality. 

We all know the serious effects that the Covid-19 produces after the fever, reaching pictures of pneumonia and later other pictures of aggravation of the order of tubing and death.  

All this inspired me to write this article because I found the context of the coving-recovery of COVID-19 patients ideal to identify the situation in which your plagiarism document is and additionally the recovery process it may have. 

I emphasize again to avoid hurting your feelings, we will not represent the death state of a human being with a casual situation, only the initial phases of a COVID-19 picture to exemplify the plagiarism status of your academic work. 

If your plagiarism level suffers from what is a 40 percent of academic plagiarism according to specialized sites on the subject of plagiarism is comparable to a person with COVID 19 cooling your work is not healthy requires a stage of recovery. 

But it is a tool that can help us to understand how unhealthy or plagiarism is our document based on the knowledge of the disease and the standards of plagiarism admitted in universities and academic centers. 

If we interpret a degree of 40 in temperature is similar to how our academic work enters an abnormal state, if you go and check your work and it turns out that you have 40 you have to realize that you have 40 degrees of temperature or more and that if you do not find improvement your work will be perishable.

Let's imagine that the faculty gives you about 10 days to overcome the disease in a general sense of infection -we all know that the disease differs from one to another- but 40 degrees of temperature or 40% of plagiarism means that your work requires recovery. 

Subsequently, these plagiarism levels should be lowered with, let's say, rest and proper administration of drugs. If you provide your academic work with a greater degree of stability, it may come out of this fever stage as quickly as possible, with the implementation of advanced technical and pharmacological tools. 

Now if you provided in the order of effectiveness vaccines prior to the first infection and provided the respective care to your academic work you can give with all tranquility optimal performance results so that you can continue in academic life with more desirable effects which is what always happens in my experience similar to the proper body temperature.

A 36, 35 % on your academic work is very good generally this can be lowered but eye lowering one or two points of plagiarism requires serious conciseness work or in the case of Covid 19 a serious recovery process and it is in dribs and drabs. 

After this stage, you can continue with your academic plan, but recovery from the fever in your academic work requires 3 or 4 revisions, which is incomparable with the fever caused by COVID 19.

Therefore, it is important to follow the advice to strengthen your academic work preventively so that you do not get sick and you can get vaccinated to become COVID 19, what is the vaccine, and then you will wonder your research work of preventive measures, To make it more suitable for my lyenedo This blog and concise service are tailored to those levels of plagiarism, so that you can enter an evolutionary and positive stage.

In fact, if you want to learn more about these people, you can visit the official websites of URKUND and TURNITIN. Thus, academic plagiarism is decisively similar to the early stages of fever recovery of patients with COVID 19. Because here, they are obliged to plagiarize more than 40 points within a given administrative time period. In real life, patients must evolve from the febrile stage to be discharged from the hospital, which is to lower the body temperature by 40 degrees. See Figure 1 and Figure 2.

Figure 1

Turnitin severe plagiarism rate.

In: Similarity report interpretation (

Note: Turnitin's severe plagiarism rate is less than 40%.

Figure 2

In: Guia_para_usuarios_URKUND_SENESCYT.pdf (

Note: URKUND's serious plagiarism rate is less than 40%.